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The 33rd Annual General Meeting and Luncheon 09-10-2015

The 33rd Annual General Meeting was held on the 16th September 2015 at the Hong Kong Bankers' Club. The following agenda has been gone through during the AGM:

1. To approve the minutes of the Thirty-second Annual General Meeting;

2. To receive the Chairman’s Report for the year 2014/2015;

3. To approve the audited accounts of the Association for the year ended 31st March 2015;

4. To elect maximum eight persons as members of the Executive Committee;

5. To elect the Auditors of the Association; and

6. To deal with any other business.

Following immediately the AGM, a luncheon talk on "Challenges Facing Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese Economics", presented by Mr. Paul Tang Sai On, Chief Economist of The Bank of East Asia Limited.


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