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Notice - Annual General Meeting and Luncheon Talk on 21st November 2016 27-10-2016

All Members

The Hong Kong Equipment Leasing Association


Dear Sirs,

Re: Annual General Meeting and Luncheon Talk on 21st November 2016 (Monday)


We cordially invite all full and associate members of The Hong Kong Equipment Leasing Association to attend the Annual General Meeting for the year 2016 and Luncheon Talk - “Market overview and outline of the Hong Kong property”.  The talk will be delivered by Mr. Thomas Lam, Senior Director, Head of Valuation & Consultancy of Knight Frank Petty Limited.  The talk will be conducted in Cantonese.


Biography of Mr. Thomas Lam


Mr. Thomas Lam, joined Knight Frank in 2011 as the Director, Head of Research and Consultancy. Prior to that, he was the Director at RHL Surveyor Limited overseeing research, corporate advisory and valuation services in China and Hong Kong. He has also worked for Colliers, responsible for consultancy and valuation services in China and Asia Pacific region, and Credit Suisse, handling real estate finance and securitisation projects in China.


He is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS), a Professional Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (MHKIS), a Registered Professional Surveyor (General Practice), a Member of Chinese Institute of Real Estate Appraiser (MCIREA) and a Member of the Hong Kong Securities Institute (MHKSI). He holds a Master degree in Information Management and a degree in Urban Land Valuation.




21st November 2016 (Monday)



11:45 a.m.   



12:00 noon   

Annual General Meeting


12:30 p.m.

Luncheon Talk


2:00 p.m.






The Hong Kong Bankers Club


43/F Gloucester Tower


The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong


First and second attendees

Free of charge


Each additional attendee





Please complete the reply slip and return it either by fax or by post to us by 14th November, 2016.




All cheques shall be made payable to The Hong Kong Equipment Leasing Association and sent to:


Hitachi Capital (HK) Ltd

16/F, Wai Fung Plaza,

664 Nathan Road, Kowloon,

Hong Kong

Attn: Ms. Veronica Wong


Kindly make the reservation for the luncheon talk on or before the deadline, we may not accommodate late registration due to over subscription.


Thank you very much for your attention.



Yours sincerely,


Alfred Lam


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